SDGM 560

Full first comp

Here is the first full comp. It still needs a lot of work. Some areas I want to work on is splitting out the AOV’s to give further adjustment. I just found out that there is a checkbox in the transmission settings for the material that transmits AOV’s. Because as you can see in the render there is an issue with the light balance. To try to correct that I adjusted the values on the render but that brought down the exposure of the glass so now it looks like tinted glass. I also want to look into the lighting more. The background objects are way too bright for the shot so I want to make sure to block them off. There is also a floating cap that needs to be brought down. I’m also working on an ID pass that goes through translucency so I can adjust objects through the glass. I wanted to use cryptomatte but it doesn’t seem to allow translucency. I also want to redo my shadow pass and reflectivity pass to account for the transmission. I also want to create a better mask for the reflectivity pass since its not completely clean or giving me the objects I need.

Luke Midgley