Version 6
What I’ve worked on this week:
I fixed the lighting in the scene and darkened down the background
Turned on transmit AOV’s in all the glass shaders
Worked on the shader for the egg and the egg carton, they had too much sub surfacce
I moved the butter over the scratches on the table
Adjusted the black levels so it didn’t get too dark
I split the luts into a base lut which brings it into a more physically correct color space. Then I added a look lut to bring it into a closer aesthetic match to the other shots
I put detail on the bottom of the car
Fixed the floating objects
Fixed the reflection pass and shadows
I switched out the materials on the car with my own so that I could adjust them independently from my shot without affecting Clarissa’s shots
Fixed spatula issue where it was dark (it was simply the opaque switch in the glass material